Dr Emma Dawson (Emzy)
Senior Medical Writer | SEO Lead – Medical WritingI fell madly in love with science communications during my BSc in Biotechnology (First Class Honours) and PhD in Molecular Microbiology from the University of Technology Sydney, part of which I published in a couple of research papers in Nature and Helicobacter. While at university, I dedicated all my spare time to teaching and promoting science to the young and old alike.
After leaving the ‘academic nest’ (graduating) in 2018, I pursued my passion for science and comms in Toulouse, France, where I was a science writer for a globally reaching company that develops products for innate immunity research. It is here that I honed my creative writing skills and expanded my knowledge while developing a range of different materials including slide decks, product sheets, literature reviews, infographics, animations, and market analyses.
My background spans microbiology, infectious diseases, and immunology – but what I love most about medical writing is the opportunity to learn about new areas of research. Ultimately, what I live to do is to take complex scientific information, transform it into an understandable and memorable story, and evoke change in the way people think about science.